Thursday, February 4, 2010

Immunizations ... blarg.

Here is my rant about immunizations.  I realize that it is a good thing to get my baby boy immunized against meningitis, diptheria, etc (I actually read the pamphlets they gave me, and I am not so much about Paxton getting any of these diseases).  HOWEVER, I don't think the whole situation is fair to me or my little man.

I also realize that I am not the first mom, nor will I be the last, who has gone through this ordeal with her baby.  But come on!  To force a woman who loves this little being more than anything else in the world to hold his little body while some stranger jabs multiple sharp objects into his soft rolly flesh is just cruel and unusual punishment!  Mom's are supposed to protect their babies, not subject them to pain!  It happened 2 days ago and it's still bringing tears to my eyes!  It was definitely one of the saddest and hardest things I've ever done.  Poor Paxton was just sitting there all happy, looking at the health nurse like "Hey new person.  Whatcha doin'?  Do you want to adore me like everyone else does?"  And then WHAMMO!  She sticks him with the needle, and his whole little face just crumpled with shock and despair.  And then he let out the saddest most outraged cry I've ever heard from him.  I just wanted to run out of the room with him and not return.

I just sat on the couch with Paxton and cuddled him for hours after we got home.  I was still sad and crying when Jay got home.  Not cool.  And then, yesterday afternoon, Paxton started getting a slight fever.  He woke up around 3:30 pm and was feeling warm on his neck and the back of his head (as well his thighs were warm where the injections were given).  And then my poor little monkey started getting irratable.  I didn't get him back to sleep until about 9 pm, and then he would only sleep if I was holding him.  This spells not a good night's sleep for Mom since I had a baby sleeping on my chest.  I finally got him to sleep in his crib around 2:30 am, but he seems to be starting the whole not sleeping thing again this morning.  And yes, I have been giving him Tylenol since this ordeal began.  If he doesn't feel better later today I think we might have to start giving him Ibuprophen as well.

I'm already dreading his next set of shots, and that's 2 months away!


  1. Ahhhhhh. The saddness of it! Poor Paxton and mommy! But don't worry, the rest of us feel the same way! Good luck with the irritability!

  2. thanks, Kell. I just don't seem to be able to get over it. Hopefully I'm not like this for every bump and bruise he ever gets!

  3. I seriously doped my kids before we went for their shots with Motrin (I highly recommend it). I won't mention the fact that I really wanted to drug myself too. I think its a good thing that kids forget most things before they are 5 or so. At least, I hope they do! Good luck Lish! Your being a good mom!

  4. I used to cry WITH my kids when they got their shots. Just give him lots of lovins, Mama (like you always do) and he'll make it through.

  5. Poor Alisha, I used to take blood from little babies all the time, I think every mother hated me. I hope Paxon is back to normal by now. Maybe I shouldn't mention this but it gets harder and harder every time since the babies catch on quick. Send your husband if you can. Good luck.

  6. thanks for the advice, Charlotte. Jay said he'll come with me for the next set.
