Monday, March 29, 2010

I am a horrible Mom ...

because I laughed at my son.  Here's the story:

Paxton had a poopy diaper so I was changing him.  As I had his legs up in the air so i could clean his bum, he peed!  So with the angle being what it was, he peed on his own face.

And I laughed!  It was pretty funny, and he had this stunned look on his face that was very cute (ok any look on his face is very cute).  So it was straight to the tub to get him all cleaned up. 

But it'll be a great story to tell his future girlfriend/wife!


  1. You will find yourself laughing at him lots. Kids say and do the craziest things!

  2. Hee Hee Hee! Poor Paxton. He better get used to his mommy laughing at's just part of being a kid!

  3. that is so funny! your forgot to tell me that one. I laughed so hard when I read this!
