At 8 months, Paxton:
- weighs 21 lbs 8 oz and is 27 3/4 inches tall. The doctor says she has no concerns about him and that we're obviously feeding him well. Maybe a little too well ... but he's not a really chubby baby. He's got some chubby cheeks and chunky legs, but that's about it.
- has started crawling. He hasn't quite figured out how to get up on his knees, but he's started doing the army crawl and pulling himself around on his belly with his arms. I'm pretty sure he's going to be using this army crawl to get into all sorts of "covert ops" in the next little while so Mom's going to have to be on alert. He also likes to scoot across the kitchen floor on his bum. He usually drags 1 or 2 of the kitchen chairs around with him while he's doing this.
- has outgrown the Jumperoo. He doesn't like being in it anymore since he can't move around the room. So I took it down and put it in storage a few days ago. *sigh*
- spins around super fast when he's sitting and wants to change directions.
- can hold his own bottle now. I have to make sure that he's laying down but he takes it from there. This is especially handy when he decides to wake up during the night. I just give him the bottle while I'm changing his diaper and it stops him from working himself up into a really big snit (which means he goes back to sleep sooner and Mom gets to go back to sleep sooner).
- loves swimming. I've taken him to the Raymond pool twice this last month and he loves to splash in the water. Fingers crossed that this one doesn't change!
- likes being in his stroller (as long as it's moving). I try to walk the dogs every day and the route we take is about 8 km so it takes about 1 1/2 hours round trip. Paxton usually falls asleep for 20 minutes or so during the walk, but the rest of the time he just looks around or plays with his rings. I'm really grateful for this because otherwise I don't think I'd be getting any exercise!
- gets really excited about new "toys." He was being fussy the other night so Jay says, "Grab one of the big plastic spoons for him." So I did and he played with it for like half an hour! The dogs figured out rather quickly to stay out of range though! He also played with a tupperware container the entire time I was making cookies yesterday. He's also a big fan of the sauce pan that Dad let him play with last night. I can't wait until he figures out how to get into the cupboards ... not so much.
- has a fake cough that he uses to get people's attention. It's kind of like he's trying to laugh but totally sounds like a cough.
- has started using the "stank face." He crinkles his nose and forehead and then breathes in and out through his nose quickly. It was really funny the first time he did it because he kept doing it to Jay for an hour! I don't have any pictures yet since he pulls out the smiles whenever he spots the camera, but I'll keep trying.
- likes chocolate pudding. Grandpa Scott pressured Mom into giving him some one day and he kept opening his mouth wide for more. However, it happened to be lunch time right after Mom finished her pudding. So when the first spoonful of squash was heading toward his mouth, Paxton opened wide expecting chocolate pudding. He pulled quite the face when it wasn't!
- is on his way to talking. He says "Hey" a lot, as well as "Da, da, da" all day long. I only get "Mom" when he's super tired and I'm trying to get him down for a nap. *sigh*
- can stand by himself if he's holding on to something. But he hasn't quite figured out the balance thing yet, so Mom is never far when he's practicing. He also pulled himself up to stand on Mo's footstool while I was sorting laundry a few days ago. I don't know, he might be walking sooner rather than later!
- loves blowing rasperries. He'll often do it for like 5 minutes straight. It's so cute though! However, not so cute the few times he's done it while I've been feeding him. We had words.
I'm stuck Mom!
Refuses to take a soother, but will suck on the nipple of the bottle without the bottle attached. Go figure.
So tired
Trying to crawl over Mom to get to the computer
Well, if I can't get to the computer I'll suck on your eye Mom.
Playin' with Maggie
Totally passed out on the couch
Trying to pull the chair under the table
Dragging a chair across the kitchen floor
Playing with Maggie's lips
First bubble bath. Needed more bubbles
Now dragging 2 chairs across the kitchen at the same time.
Getting ready for a nap at Jackie's baby shower
Sleepin' on the couch with Dad again
Loves his bear
Playin' in the pool. Auntie Kizzy was the lifeguard
The little whale sucks up water, sprays it out the top and "swims" around the pool.
At the Raymond pool.
Mo's "birthday cake". He turned 3 on July 29th (the hot dogs are candles)
Giving Mom a smile even though seconds before he was super upset about doing the splits.
First mosquito bite. Looks like a zit.
Playin' with the sauce pan and a spatula. Who needs to buy toys?