Sunday, June 12, 2011

Can't figure it out

I seriously haven't been able to figure out why everything this kid does is just so ridiculously cute!
It's probably 'cuz I'm slightly biased since I did make him : )  I think he's getting cuter now that he's running/jumping/riding his horse.  He totally "gallops" around like he's riding a horse a la "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."  I even downloaded "iCoconuts" on my phone (which makes the coconut noise when you touch the screen) but we haven't been able to get a video of it yet.  He still jabbers away constantly and I absolutely love it!  Not much English yet, but he'll talk your ear off. 

Paxton loves his new slide
and taking every single stuffed animal and blanket out of his crib.  He then has to pile them all together on the chair
or the dogs
 can you spot the boxer?
and playing with his friends
(another gem for Paxton's wedding slide show)
and his car
and being sneaky
(thanks to Cristy for getting him to pose by the beer)

But the latest shenanigan was pretty stinkin' cute.  Last summer a friend of Grandma Daryl's got Paxton this water table.
She knew that he was too young for it, but wanted to get him something that he's be able to use when he was older.  So I've been super excited about what Paxton would do when he got to play with it for like a whole year.  The weather's been so crappy that I didn't want to bring the table out until we had a stretch of nice days so that Paxton could play with it for more than 1 afternoon.  And today was that day.  It wasn't quite warm enough to bring out the pool, but I figured it was warm enough to splash and play with the water table.  YAY!!!  So I hauled it out of the crawl space while Paxton was napping and put it together.  Let me tell ya, usually I'm pretty good with puzzles, but I did have to consult the instructions to put the "glacier" together.  I probably would have been ok if the middle piece hadn't fallen out and rolled behind me unnoticed while I was initally taking everything out of the box, but that's how it went down.  I didn't put any water in it since I was leaving it in the kitchen for the time being but Paxton was still pretty excited to see his new toy when he got up (and the first thing he did was knock over the glacier that I had so pain-stakingly put together).  I was checking my Facebook when Jay told me to look at what our son was doing, and this is what I saw.
I just can't hadle the cuteness!  And I don't even know why this is so cute.  It's actualy kind of ridiculous.  And slightly disturbing that he climbed up there so stealthily that I didn't even know.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, the cuteness factor. It is the only reason that little boys grow up to be teenagers and then men. It saves them when they're small, and by the time they're big it's too late! How in the world am I going to survive two cuties for a week? I'll just be a pile of marshmellow!
