Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Paxton is 1 Month Old!

Paxton will actually be 5 weeks old tomorrow, but I've been working on this one for a few days.  I thought I would blog about how my little man has changed since joining us a month ago and some of the cute/weird/exasperating things he does.

- weighs almost 9 lbs so he's gained almost 2 lbs since we brought him home.  He's starting to get more rolls on his legs and arms now, and his cheeks just keep getting chubbier!

- has blue/grey eyes.  Jay hopes that he gets "changing" eyes like mine that can be green, blue or grey depending on the light, what I'm wearing, mood, etc. 

- spreads his toes out like a fan when he has socks on (especially when I'm trying to put them on his sweet little feet!)

- has a pouty lip face that he tries to use on me already.  It's so sad that it's cute and funny!

- is awake for a few hours during the day. This is both fun and also not so fun.  It's great to get to spend more time talking to him and playing with him, but it also makes it a lot harder to nap and get stuff done around the house.

- is recognizing my voice and Jay's more; he'll look in our directions when we talk.

- thinks he has a hollow leg that MUST be filled immediately upon waking up. This one is no fun when he wakes up in the night as he wants someone there like yesterday and don't try to give him any excuses about how you had to pee first!

- is starting to fill out his 0-3 month clothes.

- is starting to stretch his arms and legs out of the fetal position more.

- loves to be held and cuddled.  He especially loves my kangaroo wrap that cuddles him to my chest while allowing me to be hands free.

- sleeps in his crib ... most nights anyway.  We've had a few nights where Paxton just did not want to sleep in his crib, or his vibrating chair, or his swing chair.  So Mom has caved and taken him to bed a few times.  At least we're both getting some sleep that way, even if it's not very restful for me!

- is one of the pack.  Mo and Maggie kind of ignore Paxton now.  They don't go running every time he makes a noise, but they still like to sniff him and give him kisses when he's out of his playpen.

- is still bottle feeding.  We still haven't been able to get Paxton to latch and suck, so I am still pumping.  He was on breast milk exclusively until just before Christmas when he hit a growth spurt and Mom couldn't keep up with him any more!  So now he gets breast milk as often as I am able and formula the rest of the time.  Usually it's only 2 or 3 formula bottles within an entire day and the rest is from Mom.

- jerks in his sleep whenever Jay lets out a big laugh, but will sleep through the dogs playfighting right beside him. Go figure.

- smiles quite a bit ... even if it is just gas.  We can't wait until he does it spontaneously since it really is the cutest thing ever!

- likes to look at lights, especially the Christmas tree.

- gets his hands in the way when you try to feed him and shakes his head before letting you put the bottle nipple in his mouth like he's playing hard to get or something.

- will take his soother, but isn't dependent on it.  He likes to hold onto it, but tends to accidentally pull it out since he's not used to his hands yet.

- is ok with baths until I soap him up.  At that point he lets everyone know that he is not impressed and tries to "stand up" out of the water by bracing his feet against the tub and pushing back against my hand.

- is still a really good baby!

Touque from Janet and Marv in Yellowknife (even his hats are too big!)

After bath hair.  It sticks up everywhere!

Oilers outfit from Tammie (Dad's favorite team)

Sleepin' in the swing chair

Holding the soother (he probably pulled it out about 30 seconds later)

Best Christmas present ever!

1 comment:

  1. Arg. Your blog ate this comment too! And it was good and now I can't remember what it was. Still LOVE the present pics!
