Friday, October 2, 2009


Our alarm went off this morning and both Jay and I layed there as we normally do to listen to the weather before getting out of bed.  After hearing the report, I sat up and saw Maggie laying at the end of the bed.  She leaned back toward me, exposing her throat so I could rub it, which I started to do.  Then, surprise!  She puked on my arm, the douvet, my body pillow, my quilt from Mom and the sheets.  It was definitely not the ideal way I wanted to start my day!  But I got the douvet through the wash and the sheets in the wash before we left for work so things were looking up.

Work was pretty blah and I had another Doctor appointment.  I'm not entirely sure why I needed to be there since I just had a prenatal appointment on Tuesday.  My GP isn't delivering the baby so she was referring me to an obstetrician.  Basically all I did was sit there while she copied some test results into a form and then typed up a referral letter.  I'm pretty sure this could have been done when I was there on Tuesday, or without my help at all.  I was definitely not super impressed that I had to miss an hour of work for this.

But, work finally ended, and I headed home where I found a most excellent surprise.  Apparently my wonderful husband got done work early today, so he phoned his mom and told her that they were going to go crib shopping (which is what the 3 of us were supposed to do tomorrow).  They made an executive decision and bought a crib, brought it to the house, and then cleaned out the baby room!  It's so awesome, 'cuz now all that needs to be moved out is my eliptical, the gun case and the treadmill.  Then we can take down the wallpaper, paint, clean the carpet and start setting up the baby room.  Hopefully we get it done before he decides to make an appearance!  But at least we know Baby Boy won't have to sleep in my sock drawer when he arrives!  And now I don't have anything to do tomorrow other than laundry!  Maybe I will finally be able to get caught up on the So You Think You Can Dance episodes I have recorded!

This is the crib we got, but withouth the bedding.

It converts into a toddler bed, day bed and then a full size bed.  Love it!

1 comment:

  1. grrr. forgot to sign in again. sigh. anyways, love the crib. great job Jay. and you need to ask me about matress protectors one of these days. too long to type but I do have a good tip for you :)
