That was me today. I seriously had one of these days.
It started off fairly early. Paxton woke up at 2:50 am and I got up with him rather than ignoring him because he's got yet another bum rash, (We just barely got his last one cleared up about a week ago, and now he has another one. But I'm pretty sure this one is from teething ... I think?) I'm super paranoid about just leaving him to cry just in case he has a messy diaper. There is really not much that makes me feel worse than when Paxton's had a messy diaper that he's sat in for a while. Ugh. Probably not what you want to hear, but it's my crabby day.
Anyways, so I changed him and gave him a bottle and put him back to bed. However, I also had a headache when I got up with him. I figured it would go away while I was sleeping, but it was still there when my alarm went off at 6:15 am. I managed to sneak a shower in before Paxton completely woke up, but I could hear him sort of crying while I was in there. After my shower I was informed by the DJ that it was currently -37 celcius but with the wind chill it was -44 celcius. Great. That meant I had UFC with Paxton to look forward to. (Seriously. I don't know what it is in the morning, but that kid hates getting his coat/hat/mittens/scarf/boots on. But then Jay picks him up from the dayhome and he's all "Oh he puts one arm in his coat and then the other arm in ... it's like he knows how to get dressed by himself." Really? Who's kid are you picking up from daycare? 'Cuz it's not the same one I dropped off!)
So we went about our morning routine, and then I went out to start the van. (Yes it was even too cold to use my remote starter because it only runs for like 10 minutes, and I needed to let it run longer than that so that it would be warm for the boy). That's when I noticed the dog puke by the front door. Now, this is not regular dog puke, like one of them was actually sick or something. No, this is some sort of frothy yellow-ish disgustingness that happens when they get really excited about something ... like Jay coming back inside or something like that. It's just sooooooooo annoying! But, I cleaned that up. Then, just as I was getting ready to start UFC with Paxton, I heard him fill his pants ... literally. You Moms out there know what that sounds like. So off to the bedroom we went and I got to change pretty much his entire outfit (I saved his outer shirt because of my swiftness. Oh, and his socks were ok too.). Now we were running behind. After some UFC action, we headed out the door and into our daily commute. At this point I got stuck behind someone who refused to drive over 30 kph. I know that we just had a huge dump of snow over the weekend, but COME ONE! The roads are not that bad! And because I was forced to drive behind this person, I probalby had a good 5 minutes added to my commute (which I know is not really that bad since it usually takes about 8 minutes to get to the dayhome and then about 5 minutes to get to work. I know this is nothing compared to many other places on Earth, but it's really just the essence of being stuck behind a slow driver).
After dropping Paxton off I headed to work. That's when things got really awesome. You may have previously picked up on the fact that we are ridiculously busy in my department currently. January and February are out 2 busiest months of the year. If this is the first time you're hearing about this, let me explain how busy we are. For the other 9 months of the year, (I know that only adds up to 11 months, but there might be some overflow into March) someone who is processing the same stuff as me will probably have anywhere from 1 - 5 cases in their inventory at one time. I currently have 27 ... which is as of this morning, so it's entirely possible that I will have more tomorrow. Ya, I know. It's slightly stressful. So, I show up being in not the best of moods and proceeded to start my day. Well, let's just say that it didn't get any better. It pretty much was like everything I worked on turned to crap. And even some of the stuff I worked on yesterday or last week had turned to crap as well, although I didn't find out about it until today. And then I was getting so frustrated and angry that I started to have tears. And that just made me more mad and frustrated because I didn't used to cry so much! It's really quite embarassing. Crying is my "default" emotion, but I used to have better control over it. I swear that my hormones have still not returned to normal since I had Paxton. And I actually told one of my friends to just leave me alone (and I did feel really bad about it) because that was the only way I was going to be able to get through the day. I needed to be able to just sit in my cocoon of misery and be left absolutely alone. It worked out pretty well, (sicne I had the foresight to take my iPod charger with me. If I hadn't done that, I'm pretty sure I would have gone Postal) and I did in fact make it through the day (which you probably guessed since I'm blogging about it now).
But that is not the end. To add a most fitting ending to this awful day, I lost track of time while finishing up a case, and ended up not leaving until 6:45 pm! (I'm usually done at 4:45 pm, but I've been staying until around 6 pm for OT). So I arrived home about an hour before Paxton's bed time to a grumpy husband because Paxton and the dogs were driving him batty all afternoon. (Kudos to said husband for trying really hard to not grump at me since he knew I was having a crappy day already) But, we got supper done and the boy to bed, and I'm headed to my own bed once I finish this. And yes it is 8:50 pm right now. Being an adult is so overrated. Why don't they teach you that in high school?
Here's to hoping that tomorrow is better!
At least I have pictures of this guy as my wallpaper at work to make me smile ... that is when I'm not busy feeling guilty about leaving him at daycare all day. *sigh*
2 years ago
My sweet Alisha......
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you had an awful day.
The 'Mom Hormones' are a pain in the ass!
Just remember that tomorrow is a new day, and you wont really remember this a week from now.
Being a Mom is tough, being a working Mom is a nightmare, but you are doing a great job.
The world gives us lessons we dont want to learn. File this day away in the garbage, put that fantastic smile on your face and be the amazing woman you are!
Much Love!!!
well said Cristy :)
ReplyDeleteMuch love and happiness is being sent your way this morning.
Big squishy and mushy hugs from your big sis who has been there! Being a working mom is so hard....and yes, it seem se to take FOREVER for the hormones to go back to 'normal' - whatever that is :) Paxton is thriving, you are divine and oober cool, and bad days help you appreciate the awesome ones! You're halfway thru the busy season....just keep going one day at a time!