I've been putting this off for a while now, but today is Day One. You are probably asking yourself, "Day One of what? Did I miss the memo on this? Was I not invited?" Well, I will tell you what today is the first day of: today is the Day One on the journey to a healthier me. (I know that's slightly anti-climactic, especially if you compare it to something like Day One of Oprah's favorite things giveaway, but it's sort of exciting for me.)
I've been thinking about doing a post such as this one for months now, but I keep putting it off. I'm guessing that's mostly because once I actually type it and post the pictures, I can't take it back. I'm committed and then I'll either succeed or fail. I struggle with my weight. This is not new. It's been a problem for my whole life (other than for about 6 months in Grade 12 when I was playing basketball and running for about 2 hours a day.)
I've said before, I thought that I was so fat back then. I was actually at the ideal weight for my height in these 2 pictures. But now, I'd almost be willing to kill someone to look like that again (ok that's an exaggeration).
Part of it is genetics, but the biggest reason is my lifestyle. I don't like exercise. I really don't. And I have a job which requires me to sit at a computer for 8 hours a day. This is not conducive to losing weight. When I get home from said job, I don't want to exercise. I am also so not a morning person so it's tough for me to get up early so I can exercise before work. This problem is compounded by the fact that Paxton is here now. I don't ever know if he'll sleep completely through the night or what time he's going to want to get up for the day. I also like to hibernate in the winter. I eat a lot of "comfy" food and I am a potato chip-aholic. I drink too much especially on the weekends when we hang out with friends. But, I'm tired of using all of these excuses. I am taking charge. TODAY IS DAY ONE!
So, here's the most recent picture I have of me:
You may think you've seen it before from my post about my new hair, but this one is not just from the shoulders up. This one is from the waist up. I don't like these pictures. That's probably because they show me what I really look like. Now don't go all "It doesn't matter to us what you look like! We love you anyway! You have such a great personality." I know that these things are true. However, I don't like the way I look. I haven't liked the way I've looked for quite a while. In fact, I've noticed a distinct lack of pictures of myself because I don't want to be photographed. I don't like that. I'm becoming a "from the shoulders up only" type of person. I might as well just get all my pictures done at the registry office.
So, today is Day One. I got up at 5:30 am (which was actually not so bad since we went to bed at 8:30 pm and Paxton slept all night) and did some Pillates, some crunches and some reps with my weights. I did not do a lot of these things because I know that if I overdo it on Day One, I will not continue onto Day Two. I had 1 piece of multi-grain toast with peanut butter for breakfast. I also packed a healthy lunch of Sunny Boy (super fiber food) with healthy snacks. I packed some yogurt, apples, some cranberries and some crackers. (I need to stock up on veggies, but payday is tomorrow) I also made sure to check the packaging to see what the actual portion size is. I have such issues with portion size. I'm a definite North American with the "clean your plate" attitude. So I'm also trying to use smaller plates to help "trick" my brain. I'm trying to eat slower. This one is tough though. I've been a "scarfer" for a while now but I'm working on it. I am also limiting myself to 1 glass of wine (and not brimming) a day. Except for maybe on a special occasion ... and because it's Thursday is not a special occasion. I'm also planning to "find" my eliptical in my junk room this weekend. I've been saying that I'm going to do this in March once I'm not working OT on the weekends anymore, but no more procrastinating. I need to do this for me. And if Mother Nature will just cooperate and give us an early spring, I plan to start walking the dogs again every day.
Anyway. This is my "positive" post about trying to improve my health. I'll keep you posted.
2 years ago
I didn't play sports in high school, but was very outdoorsy & active; which is the only reason I didn't weight more. For my height I was overweight in highschool, most of that weight was in my butt/hips, not so proud of that one. It wasn't until I moved out on my own and stopped eating my mom's baking/cooking that I started losing the weight. And then I got married and started walking three full flights of stairs, then walking to work everyday.
ReplyDeleteAnd I learned to control how much I ate and to eat very slowly. My hubby still mocks me about how long it takes me to eat. I learned the French way of eating...take a bite, put the fork/spoon down, chew, swallow, then repeat. Their philosophy is to take the time to enjoy your food and by the time you are full you will feel it, as opposed to scarfing and then being over-full.
For a long time I didn't eat any sweets/chips/junk food. Now I have a lot higher metabolism from the physical nature of my job so I can cheat a bit, it still makes me feel like crap to eat junk food/sweets.
What I am trying to say is, YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Good luck!!!!!!!
Google Green Smoothies. They will change your life!
ReplyDeleteSOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour awesome! Thats one of my goals this year too...get healthy, lose weight...its HARD! You can do it! Good LUCK:)
ReplyDeleteGood for you sweetie. When we talked this morning I didn't realize you had set this goal for yourself. Ignore the scale for a while and use the way you feel, how much energy you have, do you feel sluggish, etc. after eating unhealthy foods, and how your clothes fit you rather than the scale for the first while, because the scale can actually be your enemy if you let it. It is hard, but it's worth it. One thing that I'm trying right now is when I'm tempted by the chips and the sweets is to ask myself, how will this help me reach my goal. Also focusing on being healthy instead of just losing the weight seems to be helping too. I'm so proud of you. take it a day at a time. On the days when the chocolate wins, I limit how much I have, savor it by letting it melt in my mouth, and I refuse to beat myself up about it, then do better the next hour, and the next day. don't wait until tomorrow to get back on the wagon. Say, okay, I've had this chocolate, chips, whatever, now stop. No more. The next thing that passes my lips will be a tall glass of water or a fruit or veggie. It has also helped that I refuse to eat anything after supper. Sometimes it's hard, but I keep telling myself that it's better for me and I'll be happier about myself in the morning, and I am.
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you. Keep up the great work!!!! Love you tons, mom
Ahh, you and me both!! My youngest sister, Cassy, gets married in T-minus 10 weeks. I decided I don't want to be embarassed to be in pictures at the wedding. My strategy is going to be counting calories. It seems to work for me because then I can still have the "goooooood" stuff sometimes. For me, veggies are freebies so I eat a lot more of them. My goal is to exercise 3 days a week, on the days the boys aren't in preschool. Whenever I have a weak moment, I try to tell myself "I've worked too hard to blow it now!" GOOD LUCK to you and keep it up!