Saturday, July 9, 2011

Escape Artist

Harry Houdini was one of the greatest escape artists of all time.  Well, I think this guy
might be thinking of following in Harry's footsteps.

Last night I put Paxton to bed around 8:15 which is his regular bedtime.  Since he isn't usually asleep when it's bedtime these days he'll play with his stuffed animals for a bit before actually falling asleep.  This means that he generally doesn't have any blankets on him when he finally gives in.  So I've made a habit of sneaking in to cover him up once I know he's asleep.  About an hour after I put Paxton down I returned to his room to check on him.  And this is what I found.
Thats right.  He got out of his crib and fell asleep on the floor.  There was no noise to alert me to the fact that Paxton had made a successful jail break.  It seems to be a common theme lately that he really can be quiet and sneaky when he wants to.

So I spent the morning checking out how much this lovely piece of hardware
is going to cost me.  I figure it's better that we convert his crib to a toddler bed sooner rather than later to avoid him falling out on his head.  *Sigh*  At least he doesn't know how to open doors yet so he's still trapped in his room after escaping the crib! 


  1. That is awesome! And don't jinx the door thing..he'll figure it out and then your really in trouble;) He is too cute!

  2. Bawha! Get him used to the bed quick before you bring him to me!
