Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Update

It's that time again!  March has not been nearly as exciting in the weight loss department as January and February were.  There are a bunch of factors contributing to this:
- I haven't been as diligent at counting my calories;
- I've had some "binge" days;
- It was my birthday at the end of February and then it was time to celebrate the end of our busy season, and then there were people up from the States to visit for work and we had to go out;
- I've hit a plateau after losing so much weight in 2 months;
- blah, blah, blah.

Either way, I am down 34 lbs since starting my weight loss journey in January.  I think that's pretty awesome!  I've been feeling not so awesome lately though since I've been gaining and losing the same pound for the last week or so.  I've also hit a slightly awkward phase with my wardrobe where some of the clothes that I thought were really cute and I looked good on me a month ago now don't fit me the same way.  This is excellent, don't get me wrong I'm totally stoked that my clothes are getting too big, but it took me 15 minutes and about 10 outfit changes to decide what to wear to work this morning!  That's a little ridiculous for me :)  I know, boo-hoo for me.

So what happened to me after work today made me feel pretty great and was just what I needed.  I was walking up to Wal-Mart to pick up some gauze for Jay's thumb and some milk and was totally in my grocery shopping mode (sort of like "in the zone" and super focused on the task at hand).  After crossing in front of an SUV to reach the storefront I heard a "woo woo" whistle behind me.  I glanced back and the driver had the window rolled down and was looking at me (he was about my age and not terribly hard on the eyes).  I was shocked and glanced around, but there was no one else there, so I can only assume that the whistle was directed at me.  WHAT?!?!?!?!?  No one has ever whistled like that at me.  Granted, I did have a pair of my Yummy Mummy heels on, and I have my new haircut, and I had my sunglasses on, and I was wearing work clothes instead of yoga pants and flip flops ... but I'm still shocked.  So I smiled, continued walking into the store, commenced to giggling like a little school girl and did the only sensible thing ... I called Kelly and told her that I didn't know what to do with myself!

So the moral of my day is that although I'm not feeling like my hard work is paying off what matters most is how you I see myself (even if I do need to look through someone else's eyes every so often).

And here are the new pics from today.  I apologize that I'm not looking very modelesque.  Paxton wanted to stand right in front of me in all of them so I kept moving him and Jay kept taking the pictures before I was posed again.  My hair is also messed up because I'd gone for a massage prior to my trip to Wal-Mart.  Gah!
Me in my heels! 

Without the jacket 
And for comparison:
January 2011 
January 2012 
February 2012


  1. It was definitely the shoes! ;) Keep up the awesome work!!

  2. Looking good chicka! I bet you feel good inside too! (I had to laugh at the grocery shopping in the zone comment! - so me!) Oh and extra wahoo for getting a whistle!

  3. Love the pics - can't wait to see you - and you totally deserved the whistle!
