Pity Party ... table for 1!
Many of you have probably seen many of my Facebook statuses that say something to the effect of, "You know you're a responsible adult when payday is just depressing." Yes, I am part of the oh so lucky middle class where we don't qualify for government subsidies because on paper it looks like Jay and I do make a fair bit of cash, and where we don't get tax breaks 'cuz we're not rich enough and we don't have any money to put in offshore accounts where the government can't touch it ... to you, Government, I say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." And also, "Don't believe everything you read." After mortgage payments, daycare, utilities, loan payments and groceries there's more often than not quite a bit of month left at the end of the money. I know that we are definitely not the only people in this boat (feel free to join me at my pity party). I also know that eventually said financial situation should get easier (because people keep telling me so), you know when Paxton's out of daycare, when loans and mortgages get paid off, etc, however in the thick of things, it's tough to be optimistic sometimes. Can a get an Amen?
But I digress. I realized recently another reason that proves that me being a grown up sucks. Sobeys currently is promoting themselves through "BINGO." Whenever you buy something you get a bingo ticket. If you use your Sobeys card, you get a second ticket. And if you buy the "item of the week," you get a third ticket. I know, it sounds thrilling already doesn't it? Well, on these tickets you can get an instant win where you get free club Sobeys points, or you can get a pin # that you can enter online for a chance to win gift cards. Last but not least, there are pictures of grocery items Sobeys sells that have bingo numbers on them and you can stick them on a bingo card to try to win prizes. I know I'm not going to win any of the prizes (since I rearely ever win anything), but I found it interesting when I looked at the prizes to be won. There's a 2011 Ford Escape Hybrid, a $5,000 Home Makeover (for kitchen appliances) and a KitchenAid Stand Mixer. However, the prize that I want most of all ... $100/week for Groceries for a Year! That's right. 52 $100 gift cards to Sobeys. More than a new vehicle, more than stainless steel fancy schmancy kitchen appliances, I just want $400/month in free groceries for a year.
Being a grown up sucks.
2 years ago
AMEN! ps. I am not playing Sobey's game but have some cards. Let me know what you need! : )
ReplyDeleteAMEN SISTA! How about we make it a pity party for two and then we can be together?